Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today is already Thursday. Which is good because this week went by really fast. Tomorrow is already Friday. I love Fridays. Actually I love the weekends. Last weekend I went to Denver to visit my cousin who lives there with her husband. I saw Boulder, which is where Colorado University is. I really liked Boulder, and I bet it is a lot prettier in the summer. I like summer a lot better, I'd rather be too hot than too cold. I also like how green and pretty it is outside during the summer. Also my birthday is in the summer, so all the more reason to like it. I do like to ski, but not enough to favor winter. I had a dream last night where I was planning on going to Costa Rica, and was so happy to get out of the cold. Then I woke up and was so disappointed, I had to go to school and I was still in Minnesota. It was an unfortunate morning.