Friday, November 21, 2008

Letter From Ismene, LRJ #1, 11-17-08

Dear Antigone,
About your plans of burying Polyneices, I am torn on my decision. I do love you and our brother. I do want to support you in your brave feat. But also I am scared for our safety. You want to honor family, but Creon is our uncle. Polyneices went against his wishes. I fear Creon's anger. Now that I know of your plan, I too am in danger. I suppose I have nothing left to lose, for if you get caught, we will both be punished. I will help you in honoring our brother's death. He did not die fighting for us, but he died passionately and bravely. No matter his choices, I still love him. I understand your desire to save him from humiliation. You're right, it must be done. At the beginning of writing to you, I was unsure. It has become apparent while searching for my answer that family is above all. I am sorry I ever doubted you. We will do this together, be punished together, and bring honor to our brother together. I cannot believe my hesitation almost came between the values of family. Please forgive me and let me assist you in this duty.
Your sister,

1 comment:

Jake W said...

Ruthie your english skills have progressed greatly. I thoroughly enjoyed this latest piece. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the liberal arts, I look forward to your next post.