Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thoughts on Blog

I think this blogging idea is good once it is all set up because right now it is very confusing. Once I get used to it I think it will be a really good idea because as students we will be able to share thoughts and ideas. This will help improve the work quality because of working together.


Jake W said...


L. M. Peifer said...

I agree! I am glad we were able to spend some time in class setting this up because sometimes it can be so confusing that people want to give up. Hopefully these blogs really will create a community of learners!

Emma Holmes said...

I agree! I think the general process was really confusing and hectic, but the idea of having everything in the same place and easy to access is really handy. I also agree that sharing out work will be really helpful to each student!

EB said...

Excellent thought.

Faiza said...

Hey Ruthie . I agree with you this is a good idea especially how now even our peers can give us feedback . Also us Capitol Hill people can still keep in touch . Crazy how we go to the same school but we never see each other.